
Showing posts from April, 2020

LOOK & READ: TYPOGRAPHY (Updated daily, April 29-May 1)

  APRIL 29: APRIL 30: MAY 1:




THE PSYCHOLOGY OF COLOR: Take a look at these videos: COLOR BASICS:

DESIGN CHALLENGE #2: A Color Vision of Your Future

  THE CHALLENGE: Create a 2D image - in  a c o l o r s c h e m e  - that represents a vision of your future.  DIRECTIONS & IDEAS: 1. Use one of the browser-based programs if you can...or something on your phone...or...? 2. The final image does not have include you...but it could.  3. The final image should be a created in a color scheme that is intentionally chose. I am aware that the program/app you might be using is limited, and that's OK. Do your best with what you have.  TO START: Remember this site(?): Use it as a starting point to get back into color.  Do a search for "future dreams illustration"... Yes, you can use TEXT, if you would like.  REMEMBER THE FOLLOWING: This is a challenge, and as such, you have a lot of leeway. I have kept directions & ideas relatively open for that reason.  Get creative , but don't stress if you find yourself limited with the digital options you have. Even a pencil an

DESIGN CHALLENGE #1: Black & White Self-Portrait Illustration/Image

THE CHALLENGE: Create a 2D image - in black & white  only - that represents your state of mind & mood today.  DIRECTIONS & IDEAS: 1. Use one of the browser-based programs if you can...or something on your phone...or...? 2. Make a self-portrait and manipulate it in some way. 3. Use to layer photos (as you know how to do from your time in Photoshop. There are layers in Pixlr just as there are in Photoshop). Combine and blend photos... 4. Combine your photo with a photo from . 5. Use text/words in your image to represent thoughts & feelings. 6. Draw over an image so that the image is a combination of photo & paint. 7. Forget a photo altogether and simply draw. 8. Do you have an app on your phone that has interesting filters that can be combined on a photo or drawing? 9. Your idea...? TO START: Take a look at these links, and/or do a search for black & white design to get some ideas of your own: Black &


DRAWING & PAINTING PROGRAMS: Pixlr (like Photoshop) - Sketchpad 5.1 - Chrome Canvas (Can use with touchscreen) - Vectr - bfE7nIb9I/emiNZnzNF Kleki (Painting) - SumoPaint (Painting) - paint/ Aggie (Drawing/design) - *GravitDesigner (like Illustrator) - CHROMEBOOK ANIMATION: FlipAnim - works with touch screen - ***Brush Ninja - works with touch screen - animations/ 3D MODELING: FREE PHONE APPS: Sketchbook - drawing Joy Doodle - neon drawing FlipaClip - animation - 2D PHONE ANIMATION: Life Lapse - animation - STOP MOTION - try this to upload photos Stop Motion Studio - Stop Motion

WEEK of APRIL 13, 2020 (Pt.1)

Hi there, Designers! As we start our amended fourth quarter, we're going to revisit some basics, that, with a little creativity, could become some interesting images during the last weeks of the year.  These are going to be basic challenges that you can take however far you'd like to go.  Sure, we're stifled a bit without the full Adobe Suite, but I've always believed that if you can make something out of very little, well...maybe that's a kind of genius. Let's make it so.  Our break has been significantly long, and a bit brain-scrambling, so let's take today to review a couple things, and look at something new. We started the semester with the following video. Go ahead, and watch it again (I did. :): Here's a link related to this vide clip: Next, we took a look at COLOR: Watch this video for an extended look: Going forward, let's see