DESIGN CHALLENGE #2: A Color Vision of Your Future


Create a 2D image - in a color scheme - that represents a vision of your future. 


1. Use one of the browser-based programs if you can...or something on your phone...or...?
2. The final image does not have include you...but it could. 
3. The final image should be a created in a color scheme that is intentionally chose. I am aware that the program/app you might be using is limited, and that's OK. Do your best with what you have. 


Remember this site(?):
Use it as a starting point to get back into color. 

Do a search for "future dreams illustration"...

Yes, you can use TEXT, if you would like. 


This is a challenge, and as such, you have a lot of leeway.
I have kept directions & ideas relatively open for that reason. 
Get creative, but don't stress if you find yourself limited with the digital options you have.
Even a pencil and paper drawing would work, then photograph it with your phone and add something to it in an app you have.

Do your best.

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