Life Advice (from you!)
Go to Target sometimes it just has a good vibe. Do whatever you want whenever you want, if it's truly a bad decision, then there will be consequences, but if not then you'll know you made the right choice. ask for things you need and don't feel guilty about it Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present. If you ever feel like you can't do something, just don't give up. live everyday like its the last washing potatoes with soap make sure to rinse them off again. eat as much food as you can. diets don't count on holidays over exceed everyones expectations. Most small decisions don't matter. LIFE ADVICE: YOLO Life Advice: stay true to yourself and never change yourself for someone else. Success isn't always found the first time around. Persistence is one of the most important skills a person can learn. Stay positive, don't put yourself down and don't give up . Don't mind your age or anything just do anything you want to be...