Life Advice (from you!)

Go to Target sometimes it just has a good vibe.

Do whatever you want whenever you want, if it's truly a bad decision, then there will be consequences, but if not then you'll know you made the right choice.

ask for things you need and don't feel guilty about it 

Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

If you ever feel like you can't do something, just don't give up. 

live everyday like its the last

washing potatoes with soap make sure to rinse them off again.
eat as much food as you can. diets don't count on holidays

over exceed everyones expectations.

Most small decisions don't matter.


Life Advice: stay true to yourself and never change yourself for someone else.

Success isn't always found the first time around. Persistence is one of the most important skills a person can learn.
Stay positive, don't put yourself down and don't give up .

Don't mind your age or anything just do anything you want to be happy!

Don't count the days, make the days count

Stay Healthy

My life advice is never give up no matter how hard it gets or how stressful it is, always keep on going. Keep on moving forward and eventually you will get through it.

Don't waste time on toxic people.

advice: "live life so when that final buzzer of life goes off you have no regrets"-grown ups 

Life can be awful sometimes you just gotta get used to it.

my golden rule: 
no matter how many times something, somebody, a challenge, a goal pushes you down, keep pushing yourself through it and give full effort no matter what because you don't know what will happen in the end, could be something positive.

Life Advice: People treat you differently based off the vibes that you give off

sometimes holding on is more painful than letting go

It's cliche but, live in the moment. My best memories are from just living in the moment, and taking risks. Even if you're 
afraid, do it. 

Live your life the way you want to live because life is too short to worry about the little things.

don't waste your time doing something that makes you unhappy because life is too short 

Don't drench pancakes in syrup because they get soggy and taste bad

treat others as you want to be treated

life moves on too fast so do it

if you don't take risks you will get nowhere in life

always have a hair tie.
also everything you do is meaningless because all we are is a sack of meat  on a big floating rock thing. so do what you want. :)

Life Advice- make sure to always leave time in your day to talk to your family cause one day they won't be here for you 

The office is a good show

Working hard gets you places. 

Dwelling on the past is not helpful.

It's okay to not have the same beliefs as people.

Don't let the negative things in your days make you feel like they define your life

Do what you love, not what you were told to do 

Don't judge people for what they have done, because one day you might be in a similar situation.

Do things in moderation. Too much of something isn't good, make sure you are balancing work and play. Take time for yourself and to understand your own emotions. It's ok to be upset. "The only way to get through tough emotions is to go through them." (slightly paraphrased from somewhere)

Life Advice - ur the only one who needs to accept who u are, 
(if that makes sense)

Life Advise: people will always surprise you. different scenarios will make people change their personalities.

Don't waste time on stressing out on something you won't remember in a year.

YOLO, you only have one chance at life so make the most of it, have fun, go out of your comfort zone, take risks

 do what you want in life, no one makes it out alive

Don't eat wet dog food

Don’t give up when life gets hard. Keep going.

Always treat people with the kindness you want to receive 

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