COLLAGE ILLUSTRATION -or- 'SCAPE 3: A 'SCAPE that is entirely of your own creation, and incorporates 10+ elements. The 'scape can be a cityscape, landscape, surreal scape, dream does not need to grounded in reality. Odd, unexpected, surprising are good. -or- An COLLAGE ILLUSTRATION that incorporates 10+ elements (including, but not limited to photographic collage, use of text, color application through paint/brushes, and...) Some ideas on which to base your illustration: -a poem -a theme from a book -a song lyric -an album cover -a concert poster/flyer -a personal belief mantra or phrase -a political movement/cause in which you believe -a personal life philosophy -an homage to a figure/hero -a critique of an idea -the front cover of a greeting card -a commentary about a cause/issue near to your heart & mind -something of your choosing... *All imagery used must meet TTSD guidelines for school conduct....