PROJECT #4 & #5: 'SCAPES, Parts 1 & 2

'SCAPES. RATIONALE. To practice and focus skills in Photoshop regarding layers , placing/rasterizing , adjusting color/value , edit+transforming selections, selection tools. TO DO. Use multiple photographic sources to create a believable -or- surreal photographic composite image that illustrates an understanding of perspective. Create THREE separate 'scape composite images. Use very high-resolution images (1000x1000 minimum) from image searches. See links below. *Make sure you set your image search parameters to finding large files. THE THREE IMAGES. 1. Each composite will be a combination of separate images/elements. 2. IMAGE ONE must be a LANDSCAPE (no people or animals). 3. The other TWO composites can be a landscape, space scape, city scape, or interior space, and include people/animals/food/landscapes/etc. CONSIDER. Sometimes the more images you use the more interesting yo...