id·i·om /ˈidēəm/ Learn to pronounce noun plural noun: idioms 1. a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words (e.g., rain cats and dogs , see the light ). An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning can't be understood from the ordinary meanings of the words in it. For example, Get off my back! is an idiom meaning Stop bothering me! UNDER THE WEATHER (Student work) WHEN PIGS FLY (Student work) DIRECTIONS: 1. Choose three idioms to illustrate. 2. Search & decide what imagery you will use to illustrate each idiom. 3. Make your canvas ( 8x10 inches/300 resolution -or- 10x10inches/300 resolution ). 4. Begin laying out/playing/exploring/ assembling the pictorial elements. 5. Work. 6. Revise. 7. Finalize design. 8. Save a flattened .JPG version, AND an unflattened .PSD ...